Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Break-Up Playlist

Why, might you ask, is my first blogpost since last winter entitled "Break-Up Playlist?" Is it because I have very recently gone through a bad break-up? Has my young and naive heart been used, abused, and taken for granted? Weirdly, the answer is absolutely not (with an interjected "HA" in front of it). Besides the cold, hard fact that my love life will be eternally non-existent at the rate I'm currently going, I entitled this "Break-Up Playlist" after reading a friend's blog and being reminded of the various "girl-power" or "break-up" songs that have accumulated over the years. Now, considering the fact that I haven't really had an actual, "official" relationship with someone in a while does kind of give this a sort of inauthentic flair, but I have the right to blog about whatever I want, SO we're doing it. live. (please tell me you've seen this video in order to get the reference... if not, get out from under that rock. No, seriously, that's just weird.) I digress, but back to my initial point: break-up songs are spectacular. I know listening to Kelly Clarkson's "Since U Been Gone" on repeat is closely equivalent to hitting rock bottom for most, but you have to give it some credit for being able to pull teenage or twenty-something year old girls out from their teepees of tear-soaked tissues. Now, I don't consider myself a feminist by any means, but when it comes to media and music that serve to empower women and girls, then I'm all for it. Break-up songs have the power to give you that get-up-and-go boost when the your love life, or in my case your blogging life, comes crashing down on you. (Or at least that's what I've heard..) Okay, I know this was somewhat pointless, but I honestly just needed something, a n y t h i n g, to propel myself forward on this blogging endeavor. With that, I solute you "Break-Up Playlist" for helping me get back in the game, even if I am referring to the blogging arena.


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